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SQL upload ( 0 ) x -

Server: »Database: gul
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Import defaults

Customize default common import options.

Default format; be aware that this list depends on location (database, table) and only SQL is always available.
Allow interrupt of import in case script detects it is close to time limit. This might be a good way to import large files, however it can break transactions.
Number of queries to skip from start.
Documentation Uncheck the checkbox to disable drag and drop import
ajax clock

File to import:

File may be compressed (gzip, bzip2, zip) or uncompressed.
A compressed file's name must end in .[format].[compression]. Example: .sql.zip

(Max: 2,000MiB)

You may also drag and drop a file on any page.

Partial import:

Other options:


Format-specific options:

Warning in .\libraries\classes\Dbi\DbiMysqli.php#199
mysqli::query(): (HY000/1034): Index for table 'global_priv' is corrupt; try to repair it


.\libraries\classes\Dbi\DbiMysqli.php#199: mysqli->query(
string 'SELECT 1 FROM mysql.user LIMIT 1',
integer 0,
.\libraries\classes\DatabaseInterface.php#316: PhpMyAdmin\Dbi\DbiMysqli->realQuery(
string 'SELECT 1 FROM mysql.user LIMIT 1',
integer 1,
.\libraries\classes\DatabaseInterface.php#2396: PhpMyAdmin\DatabaseInterface->tryQuery(
string 'SELECT 1 FROM mysql.user LIMIT 1',
integer 256,
integer 1,
.\libraries\classes\DatabaseInterface.php#2338: PhpMyAdmin\DatabaseInterface->isUserType(string 'super')
.\libraries\classes\Menu.php#450: PhpMyAdmin\DatabaseInterface->isSuperuser()
.\libraries\classes\Menu.php#103: PhpMyAdmin\Menu->_getDbTabs()
.\libraries\classes\Menu.php#70: PhpMyAdmin\Menu->_getMenu()
.\libraries\classes\Header.php#450: PhpMyAdmin\Menu->getDisplay()
.\libraries\classes\Response.php#343: PhpMyAdmin\Header->getDisplay()
.\libraries\classes\Response.php#356: PhpMyAdmin\Response->_getDisplay()
.\libraries\classes\Response.php#514: PhpMyAdmin\Response->_htmlResponse()