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Database structure

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Table Ascending Descending Action Rows May be approximate. Click on the number to get the exact count. See FAQ 3.11. Type Collation Size Overhead
customer_types 0 InnoDB utf8_unicode_ci 64.0 KiB -
designation 0 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 16.0 KiB -
purchaser_details 1 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 16.0 KiB -
stock_dairy_types 0 MyISAM utf8_unicode_ci 1.0 KiB -
tbl_admin 4 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 2.4 KiB -
tbl_attendance ~87,639 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 16.0 MiB -
tbl_brands 10 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 5.4 KiB -
tbl_calculations 2,128 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 512.0 KiB -
tbl_cashdetails 9 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 64.0 KiB -
tbl_cities 5 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 96.0 KiB -
tbl_customers 1 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 128.0 KiB -
tbl_cus_payments 582 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 160.0 KiB -
tbl_daily_cash 2,692 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 432.0 KiB -
tbl_daily_closing 11 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 16.0 KiB -
tbl_demand_record 22,794 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 5.9 MiB -
tbl_employees 272 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 144.0 KiB -
tbl_emp_payments 0 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 64.0 KiB -
tbl_expenses 805 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 96.0 KiB -
tbl_exp_categories 1 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 64.0 KiB -
tbl_items 890 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 496.0 KiB -
tbl_items_cat 18 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 5.7 KiB -
tbl_leaves_use 852 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 80.0 KiB -
tbl_notes 0 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 1.0 KiB -
tbl_points 4,212 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 368.0 KiB -
tbl_products 429 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 96.0 KiB -
tbl_products_cat 238 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 13.8 KiB -
tbl_purchaser_details 1,847 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 96.0 KiB -
tbl_purchases 11,778 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 2.2 MiB -
tbl_pur_items 25,428 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 4.3 MiB -
tbl_recipe 5,045 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 208.0 KiB -
tbl_reward_points 0 InnoDB utf8_unicode_ci 16.0 KiB -
tbl_sales 574 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 112.0 KiB -
tbl_sales_items 601 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 144.0 KiB -
tbl_sale_services 1 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 3.0 KiB -
tbl_section_sale 4 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 16.0 KiB -
tbl_services 37 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 16.0 KiB -
tbl_services_calculations 457 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 80.0 KiB -
tbl_staff_leaves 2,135 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 176.0 KiB -
tbl_stock_dairy 25,448 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 3.2 MiB -
tbl_suppliers 100 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 112.0 KiB -
tbl_sup_cat 14 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 32.0 KiB -
tbl_sup_payments 27,550 InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci 4.5 MiB -
tbl_tmp_purchases 1 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 2.1 KiB -
tbl_tmp_pur_items 0 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 3.8 KiB 1.8 KiB
tbl_tmp_stock_items 126 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 9.2 KiB -
tbl_units 59 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 4.2 KiB -
46 tables Sum ~224,798 InnoDB utf8mb4_general_ci 40.0 MiB 1.8 KiB

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