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Server: »Database: mysql »Table: db“Database privileges”
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Edit mode

Customize edit mode.

Documentation Disallow BLOB and BINARY columns from editing.
Documentation Display the function fields in edit/insert mode.
Documentation Defines whether or not type fields should be initially displayed in edit/insert mode.
Documentation How many rows can be inserted at one time.
Documentation Sort order for items in a foreign-key dropdown box; content is the referenced data, id is the key value.
Documentation A dropdown will be used if fewer items are present.
Text fields

Customize text input fields.

Documentation Defines which type of editing controls should be used for CHAR and VARCHAR columns; input - allows limiting of input length, textarea - allows newlines in columns.
Documentation Defines the minimum size for input fields generated for CHAR and VARCHAR columns.
Documentation Defines the maximum size for input fields generated for CHAR and VARCHAR columns.
Documentation Number of columns for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas.
Documentation Number of rows for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas.
Documentation Textarea size (columns) in edit mode, this value will be emphasized for SQL query textareas (*2).
Documentation Textarea size (rows) in edit mode, this value will be emphasized for SQL query textareas (*2).
Documentation Double size of textarea for LONGTEXT columns.
Select_privenum-- N
Insert_privenum-- N
Update_privenum-- N
Delete_privenum-- N
Create_privenum-- N
Drop_privenum-- N
Grant_privenum-- N
References_privenum-- N
Index_privenum-- N
Alter_privenum-- N
Create_tmp_table_privenum-- N
Lock_tables_privenum-- N
Create_view_privenum-- N
Show_view_privenum-- N
Create_routine_privenum-- N
Alter_routine_privenum-- N
Execute_privenum-- N
Event_privenum-- N
Trigger_privenum-- N
Delete_history_privenum-- N

Select_privenum-- N
Insert_privenum-- N
Update_privenum-- N
Delete_privenum-- N
Create_privenum-- N
Drop_privenum-- N
Grant_privenum-- N
References_privenum-- N
Index_privenum-- N
Alter_privenum-- N
Create_tmp_table_privenum-- N
Lock_tables_privenum-- N
Create_view_privenum-- N
Show_view_privenum-- N
Create_routine_privenum-- N
Alter_routine_privenum-- N
Execute_privenum-- N
Event_privenum-- N
Trigger_privenum-- N
Delete_history_privenum-- N

   and then   
Use TAB key to move from value to value, or CTRL+arrows to move anywhere.

Continue insertion with rows
Notice in .\libraries\classes\Database\Designer.php#179
Trying to access array offset on value of type bool


.\libraries\classes\Database\Designer.php#193: PhpMyAdmin\Database\Designer->getSideMenuParamsArray()
.\db_designer.php#164: PhpMyAdmin\Database\Designer->returnClassNamesFromMenuButtons()